I run into situations where I feel like I need an adult to help me at least on a weekly basis.
Then I remember I’m supposed to be the adult.
I then try and figure the situation out all on my own. I also have a tendency to procrastinate on things when I'm not quite sure what to do or where to start. It's a winning combination really.
Just because we're the supposed grown-ups, doesn't mean we have to have everything figured out, or manage it ourselves.
They say it takes a village to raise a child. I think it takes a village to do much of everything else, too, and we should stop trying to fight our battles by ourselves.
We feel bad about asking others for help because they have their own stuff going on. Whether that's our colleagues at work, our friends, or our neighbours. Maybe we're a bit less hesitant to ask our family for help if they are around.
Asking for help doesn't mean you have failed. It means you're good at figuring out the most efficient way to solve a situation. It's better to know your limits and ask someone who can maybe find a solution quickly, rather than to spend hours on it yourself and risk making a mess of it (I'm looking at your French tax declaration!)
So if you're having a hard time with something, remember you're most likely not the first person going through this struggle. And most people are very happy to be able to help. Life admin, finances, work issues, child care? Ask your friends, ask your neighbours, ask your colleagues, or hire a professional if that's an option for you.
Or ask me, I will help if I can!