Some special announcements before we get started:
As you know, the positive emotions in our lives massively improve our mental health. In a recent Prompt, we already identified the many different positive emotions we can find in our day to day - because there’s a lot more than happiness and fun.
Today, I want us to dive a bit deeper into one specific emotion, that I personally don’t consciously think about very often, but that is just as important and powerful as the others - awe.
Merriam-Webster defines awe as:
an emotion variously combining dread, veneration, and wonder that is inspired by authority or by the sacred or sublime
I say “awesome” more than I would like to admit, but the word has totally lost any connotation with dread or wonder. However, that’s the part which makes the feeling of awe so powerful.
In his book Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life, Dacher Keltner argues that it’s exactly this humbling feeling, that we’re in the presence of something bigger and more powerful than ourselves, that makes us appreciate ourselves, others, and the world we live in so much more.
So today, we will go out and find ourselves some awe. Awesome!
The Activity: Sketch what inspires Awe
Step 1: Find the Awe
I’m typing the word awe an aweful lot here. So what is it that inspires this emotion in you? That feeling of wonder, mixed with a bit of dread or even fear? What humbles you and at the same time makes you feel like you’re part of something much bigger than yourself?
Can you find this now, in real life, somewhere close to you? Maybe it is the vastness of the sky, the ocean, an old building, a religious image?
Step 2: Sketch it
Grab a few pens and some paper and go look at it. Go outside for a walk if you need to. Look closely, note how the feeling of awe shows up in your body. And then start sketching it. Go for simple lines and shapes. Add colour only if you feel like it. The sketching helps us to stay more present, to keep our mind on the subject instead of wandering off to think about what we’re making for dinner. So make a few sketches and don’t worry too much about how it looks. Just enjoy the feeling.
Step 3: Keep your eye on it
Hang up your sketches, or a photo of your subject, somewhere you can see it, so you're reminded to seek out pure awe from time to time.
My Example
There are two top “awe-inspiring” contenders in my life - the mountains and the ocean. I used to live close to the mountains, now I live by the ocean and it's such a privilege. But I must admit, that I do miss the mountains, so that's what I chose as my sketch subject today. I was stuck indoors unfortunately, so I sketched imaginary mountains in colourful pre-sunset light.
I hope that you enjoyed this exercise, and that you're weekend is filled with awe!
See you soon my creative friends.
Love, Lorena