Hi, and welcome (back) to The Stress Less Pencil. Together, we create art to make us feel good, not to make it look good. All weekly prompts are designed for total beginners and experienced artists alike, so if you’re new, make sure to subscribe and join us!
The superheroes in movies and comics are larger than life. They have incredible powers, are taller, buffer, and more handsome than the average human, and saving humanity, or the planet, or the whole multiverse is part of their everyday business. Unlike me, they also look awesome jumping off buildings.
While I love myself a good superhero comic, I still haven't run into a real-life caped crusader. But just because we do not have a league of spandex-clad muscly people running around, doesn't mean that our lives are not full of heroes.
The Activity: Draw a comic about an everyday superhero moment
Step 1 - The Good Deed
Think back over the last week, and try to find a moment where you were incredibly grateful for the actions of someone else. It could have been your partner making you your favourite meal for dinner. Your boss giving you an unsolicited compliment on your work. A neighbour watering your plants while you were away. A friend calling you to see how you are doing.
We're not looking for big grant gestures, but the small acts of kindness that make us walk through life a bit easier.
Step 2 - Draw a comic
Now, in true superhero fashion, draw a little comic to commemorate this moment. It can be as easy as three little drawings - before, during, after. Or you can go more advanced and tell the whole story, including dialogue and a few side quests.
Don't be intimidated by the comic format. You can make it as simple as possible. We don't want to draw a Marvel-style action scene! Some of the best webcomics are basically just stickmen.
When you've finished your comic, take a moment to be grateful for this real-life superhero in the world. If you feel up for it, you can maybe even send it to them as a thank you.
My Example
Today, I asked my husband to help sort out our entryway. I'm okay at keeping stuff “your mother is coming over in half and hour” superficially tidy. But when you need to go a couple of levels deeper, he is the man for the job.
Our entryway was overflowing with jackets, hats, and shoes. Our jacket closet was also bursting at the seams with jackets, bags full of reusable shopping bags, and other random stuff.
My husband pulled everything out (yikes) and made us go through all of it, sort it out, get rid of things, and rearrange what was left in a more organised manner.
It was a clear case of “it needs to get worse before it gets better”, which is why I've been avoiding it.
So I'm very thankful for his thorough style, and for the fact that I'm not immediately stressed out by the mess when I enter our house.
Have a super week my friends.
Love, Lorena